Hubby Greg, for loving me unconditionally through all of my good & bad days since 2012

Purring cats greet me every morning before dawn, happy I’m up & asking, ‘treats?’

Yummy diy un-coffee with frothed milk, cinnamon, mint, vanilla, or marshmallows depending my mood

Facebook memories remind me of many fun moments & milestones since 2002

Birds chirping cheerfully in the dark around 4am, waiting for daylight, like me

Dawn always comes after the darkest, coldest nights

Sky lightening gradually until golden light lands on the tops of the evergreens, first cheerful deck views

Starting everyday easily with G’s, “Good morning, beautiful” 😊

Bright blue skies

 Warmer & sunnier than usual early spring, mid April

Early beach walks with very few people around, how we’ve always liked it

All our needs within walking distance from our door: small grocery stores, prescriptions, mailbox, etc

 Morning yoga & G likes it!

 Cooking healthy food together 3 squares a day

 Public parks & gardens continue to be full of spring blooms, with audiences

 Encouraging facebook groups such as Katrine’s Choosing Happiness & Michelle’s Monday Morning Connections

 Friends who keep in touch daily online

 Friends who love paper & snail mail as much as I do, thanks Michelle Currie!

 Long time cowoker friend, Susan Knight, for thinking my daily positives summary is ‘keeping us all going’ & book study leader, Michelle, for thinking I’m ‘a light that shines’

Facetime with cousin nurse Corinne

 Chat & email with my eldest great aunt Eleanor (pushing 90 & as chipper as ever, like Gram was

Always pleasant to talk on the phone with my aunt Willow

Fun & encouraging shows to enjoy thanks to celebs still broadcasting from home (Live with Kelly & Ryan, & Late Show with Jimmy Fallon)

YouTube channels: Hunker Down with Harry (Connick Jr.) & Music Mam (my aunt Rachel chatting about her loves of music & the Vinyl Community)

Em’s tech support re: my new phone & helping to set up my YouTube channel, finally: Adreanna’s Island Treasures

Sharing my love of story telling online with 3 Friday morning story times so far, & latest video has over 63 views via Facebook

A home library of books & dvds that will entertain us for years, if needed

Local fm radio 102.3 the Wave & 93.7 JR Country

Island news at 5pm for latest updates & local good news, new Upside segment is fun & positive, replacing Sports atm

Condo we love that is cozy, but inexpensive re strata fees

 Top floor, 4th floor views feel safe & cheerful since it’s the sunny side as of about 10am

All of our family here, near, & far are staying healthy, so far

Library shut down in a timely fashion, keeping staff & public safe

Many food services & coffee shops & food trucks are still open to help give a bit of ‘normal’ feeling such Timmy’s & McDonald’s & Panago

A reliable vehicle (that I’ve loved since 2003 & has done quadruple duty as an office, concert venue, napping spot, & road tripper) to get us to where we need to go for grocery delivery to G’s mom or helping my folks in Qualicum

Serene soothing beaches to park at & enjoy the view

Ditto for beaches to walk on with less than 5 people seen between 830-1030am

Sun sparkling on the ocean, seals chuffing, waves crashing, crystal clear water, bright blue sky with views to mainland

Refreshing salty ocean breezes

Heart to heart, deep conversations re: past & current events, family issues, our aging parents, job situations, health, etc; always thankful we’ve always been able to hear each other & communicate openly & honestly

 Strolling along the lapping shore, with solid sand under our feet = bliss!

Coffees in hand, as usual, for our after-breakfast beach strolls 😊

Questions answered re: ei/creb with only about 3 hours on the phone total early this morning

Progress re: eldest’s ‘virtual care’ video doctor’s appointments, saving us road trips to Courtenay until further notice

Fresh afternoon breezes to keep the sunny deck cooler

Plants sprouted week 1 of layoff, growing inches a day, happily out on the deck in little hanging baskets, safe from the curious cats’ jaws

Celebrities putting on free concerts from home via Instragram & my fave Keith Urban was one of the first because he’s so bummed he can’t play live large venues for now….

Enjoying crafting cards for upcoming birthdays: dad end of April, mom beginning of May

Regular communications from mom; glad she’s keeping in touch atm

Friendly, caring neighbours in our quiet building 😊