Day 2 of 30 online layoff positive passion challenge, friends…I’ve already noticed 1 very positive result of this self-isolating time: people are reaching out online more than ever to keep in touch, offer support & encouragement; I am loving that celebrities like Ellen & Jimmy Fallon & Keith Urban are doing livestreams or short videos saying hi to their fans, friends, etc….all so weird, but neat….& nothing like waking up thinking yay, sleep, must be close to sunrise, & crud, it’s only 234am & another 4 hours of sleep day begins, (silent scream!)…& another once in a lifetime event has occurred: my/our fave happy place is basically closed or closing, waah, we love you Tofino, #lblTofino, British Columbia#longbeachlodgeresort#pacificsands sure wish we’d been there & become trapped by a road closure…& am I reading driveBC right that there is a highway safety/construction closure happening around Kennedy Lake between now & end of March by coincidence??!!?? What a bizarre time it is worldwide and locally & the poor teens thrashing around bored & homebound for spring break, oh the horrors of being forced to hang out with the parents! Lol. Hang in there, friends! We are all in this together… oxo